soccer hi rise camera

3 Ways Videos Can Improve Your Soccer Team’s Performance

Coaches have many responsibilities. One of those is to help athletes improve their skills and become the best players they can be. While coaches can teach verbally, many players are visual learners, and they prefer to see what they are doing to maximize their learning. Therefore, it’s best to conduct a video analysis with high-quality sports video footage.

Soccer is a fast-moving full field sport, which means the action moves from one end of the field to another quickly. It can provide its own special issues with recording video. However, it is a very important tool to teams maximizing performance. Here are some ways video can enhance your team’s performance:

1. Video can reveal strengths and weaknesses

Every team has weaknesses. They can be difficult to spot live during the game from the sidelines. However, by using a quality soccer video camera system, you can analyze positioning, plays, and all of the subtleties more carefully. You can review game film as a team after every practice or game, as a coaching staff, and/or one-on-one with players. 

If you’re looking for a video camera for soccer, feel free to check our lightweight 50-pound endzone camera and our other products and accessories. We offer a first-in-class solution that captures high-angle and aerial video footage in full HD action. It features an image stabilization technology to prevent camera shake and frame-to-frame jitter.

Hi Rise Camera towers have a sleek, innovative design and includes a Sony CX 405 video camera with the Sky 250ET tower. This Sony camera incluses a pro-style lens, pixel magnification, and much more.  The tower is constructed with aircraft-grade aluminum, very strong overall fram, and high-grade carbon fiber telescoping pole. Also, since it weighs only 50 pounds, you can transport it much faster and easier.

2. Video can help create winning strategies

Using videos in practice allows coaches provide prompt feedback to players. Players can see what they are doing right and other areas for improvement. Just as important, you can show them video of correct examples of how to handle the play or do the drill.  

Video footage is an important tool for developing winning plans and strategies and taking your game to the next level. By using a quality endzone camera system, you can capture every minute of the action. Video is a team thing! It is just as powerful for coach education and planning….just as much as it is for player training and analysis. 

3. Video can help with player recruiting

Sideline camera towers and endzone cameras are a key piece of obtaining footage that can be used by players/parents for highlight videos. These highlight videos are necessary to attract the attention of college coaches and scouts in the hopes of receiving a soccer scholarship. By helping existing players go to the next level, it will attract future players to their program that want to follow the same path.


Getting the right video footage allows teams to have a competitive advantage by breaking down games and training sessions, analyze strengths and weaknesses, and create recruiting videos. Using the right equipment and technology, like a Hi Rise Camera, will allow you to accomplish this.

Capture high-quality sports video footage with our soccer video camera!